Ron Glass, popularni Shepherd Book iz Fireflyja, preminuo u 71. godini

U 71. godini života, Ron Glass, nama najpoznatiji po ulozi Shepherda Booka iz Fireflyja i “Serenityja”, preminuo je nakon zatajenja dišnog sustava, javio je u subotu Jeffrey Leavett, Glassov agent.
Osim Fireflyja, Glass je starijim generacijama bio poznat i kao Ron Harris iz humoristične serije Barney Miller, za ulogu za koju je bio nomirian za nagradu Emmyj. Prijatelji i bivši kolege oprostili su se od Glassa i na društvenim mrežama.
He got there with grace, humor & enormous heart. He was, among so many other things, my Shepherd. Raise, appropriately, a glass. Rest, Ron.
— Joss Whedon (@joss) November 26, 2016
This is me acting like an idiot just so I could hear Ron Glass laugh.
He was the kind of person…— Jewel Staite (@JewelStaite) November 26, 2016
"Shepard, don't move."
"Won't go far."
We love you, Ron Glass. Don't go far.— Nathan Fillion (@NathanFillion) November 26, 2016
Ron Glass was one of the greatest actors to work with. His laugh was beyond infectious and his generosity was ever present. #ripronglass
— alan tudyk (@AlanTudyk) November 26, 2016
Ron Glass. What an honor it was to know you, to work beside you and to have called you my friend. You will be missed. I love you sir.
— Sean Maher (@Sean_M_Maher) November 26, 2016