Good Wife i Justified dobili Peabody
Objavljeni su godišnji dobitnici jedne od rijetkih televizijskih nagrada koje nisu kompletna smijurija, Peabody. Osim televizije, Peabody pokriva radio, kao i novinarska te dokumentaristička polja, a nagrade dodijeljuje Fakultet novinarstva i masovnih medija pri Sveučilištu u Georgiji.
Ovogodišnji dobitnici na polju televizije uključuju redom serije koje bez dileme odobravamo i preporučujemo, a imali smo ih i u godišnjem izboru, što užem, što širem. To su Men of a Certain Age, The Good Wife, Justified, Sherlock, te mini-serije The Pacific i Temple Grandin.
Punu listu dobitnika, kao i obrazloženja izbora, možete naći u službenom PDF dokumentu; izdvajamo televizijske dobitnike:
Part morality play, part character study, this engrossing modern-day Western drama sets its showdowns in the wild, wild east of Appalachian Kentucky.
The Pacific
The Pacific theater of World War II proves to be gripping theater indeed in this richly detailed miniseries.
The venerable Victorian sleuth is audaciously updated for our high-tech times, and the game is afoot all the quicker.
Men of a Certain Age
A series about three longtime pals, “regular” guys, navigating middle age, it’s comical, poignant and harrowing, sometimes all at once.
Temple Grandin
Claire Danes is remarkable as the autistic animal-expert and author, and the biography is further enriched by visual creativity that lets viewer occasional glimpse the world as Grandin experiences it.
The Good Wife
In this densely layered dramatic series, the dutiful wife of a disgraced politician resumes her legal career and finds satisfaction, self-worth and moral quandaries of her own.
Jako dobar izbor napokon nešto da nema Glee
The good wife je fantastična serija,šteta što su prijevodi dosta rjetki.