Discovery sprema special za Phila Harrisa
Jedna od najboljih dokumentarističkih serija na televiziji, Discoveryev Deadliest Catch, u utorak, 9. veljače, izgubila je zauvijek kapetana i jednu od zvijezda serije, Phila Harrisa. Kapetan Phil doživio je svoj drugi srčani udar krajem siječnja, a nakon što su prognoze naginjale prema pozitivnom ishodu, Harris je ipak preminuo u noći s ponedjeljka na utorak. Imao je 53 godine.
Lov na rakove u Beringovom moru smatra se jednim od najtežih poslova na planeti, Harris je bio kapetan vlastitog broda, Cornelia Marie, preko 20 godina. Iza sebe je ostavio dvojicu sinova, Jakea i Josha, i jedan i drugi su radili na brodu, zajedno s ocem. Jake, Josh i Discovery Channel izadali su priopćenja za javnost koja možete pričitati ispod.
Jake i Josh Harris:
It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to our dad — Captain Phil Harris. Dad has always been a fighter and continued to be until the end. For us and the crew, he was someone who never backed down. We will remember and celebrate that strength. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers.
Discovery Channel:
Discovery mourns the loss of dear friend and colleague Captain Phil Harris. He was more than someone on our television screen. Phil was a devoted father and loyal friend to all who knew him. We will miss his straightforward honesty, wicked sense of humor and enormous heart. We share our tremendous sadness over this loss with the millions of viewers who followed Phil’s every move. We send our thoughts and prayers to Phil’s sons Josh and Jake and the Cornelia Marie crew.
Snimanje šeste sezone Deadliest Catcha je pred krajem, a Discovery i izvršni producent serije Thom Beers u planu imaju odati počast Kapetanu Philu Harrisu u posebnoj epizodi Deadliest Catcha, koji će svoju premijeru imati početkom travnja.