Tim Kring o otkazivanju Heroesa – serijala.com
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Tim Kring o otkazivanju Heroesa

Tim Kring o otkazivanju Heroesa

Ništa posebno važno, ali interesantno je kako Tim Kring i dalje “fura” svoj film i uvjeren je da su gledatelji Heroesa pobjegli od TV formata i isključivo gledali seriju na neke druge načine. Tim, pa nisi ti izgubio nekoliko stotina tisuća gledatelja, već desetak milijuna.

THR Feed prenosi čitavu izjavu nekada najbitnijeg čovjeka na televiziji, a kako se točno pravda, možete pročitati ispod.

I want to first extend my deepest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to the legion of enthusiastic fans who have watched ‘Heroes’ on TV, online, DVR, DVD and mobile over the last four seasons.
Every week more than 45 million TV viewers around the world, as well as millions of social and digital media-based fans, have made ‘Heroes’ one of the five most-watched shows across traditional and digital media screens in the history of television.

For NBC, I certainly understand the challenge of creating a business model around a show which arrived precisely as the audience was finding new ways to watch traditional content on multiple screens.
I personally have had 12 great years with my friends at NBC, and with ‘Heroes,’ they provided me a rare opportunity to put a message of hope, interconnectivity and global consciousness into the world. For that I am grateful and look forward to finalizing our discussion about a number of ways to keep the ‘Heroes’ universe alive for its fans.

Jeste li i vi bili među tih 45 milijuna sretnika što su svaki tjedan gledali Heroese?

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