The Boys sezona 2: Što kažu kritičari o novim epizodama Amazonove serije
Krajem lipnja Amazon je potvrdio da se njihova superherojska serija The Boys vraća u rujnu. E pa svega smo nekoliko dana od premijere druge sezone i konačno je vrijeme za prve recenzije nove sezone. Strani kritičari su na uvid dobili prve tri epizode nove sezone — upravo iste koje će i gledatelji moći vidjeti narednog petka.
Amazon je već ranije potvrdio da će u petak, 4. rujna, pustiti samo prve tri epizode druge sezone, a narednih pet “emitirat” će na tjednoj bazi. The Boys se vraća sljedeći tjedan.
Sustaining the first season’s peak levels of violence and dark comedy, Season 2 pulls none of its satirical jabs. Antony Starr’s Homelander, meanwhile, further proves himself the perfect superhero for our trash-fire times.
Empire Online
Despite the long wait for these new episodes, The Boys hasn’t lost any of its impressive momentum, bounding into an ambitious second season with big surprises from the very beginning.
Radio Times
As a whole, the second season of The Boys is a solid improvement on the first: Smarter, sharper, and more engaged with its stories and characters—not to mention Cash swooping in and pulling off a sneak MVP performance with her devilishly dry turn as Stormfront.
The AV Club
And perhaps the most important thing that Season 2 does is push the show’s scope beyond the realm of capes and tights; its messages aren’t subtle, but then again, neither is putting on a costume and fighting crime. And to be honest, right now maybe the subtle path isn’t the best direction to go, in a number of respects.
The Boys’ second season kicks off with even more irreverent and gratuitous drama than the first. Showrunner Eric Kripke has found a way to keep the momentum going from Season 1, while also further developing the characters in new and interesting ways.
Highly entertaining but grossly flawed, The Boys envisions itself as the bad boy of superhero stories. To a degree, it is. But let’s not act as if its the long-awaited mash-up of Shakespeare and Stan Lee.