Terra Nova (ponovo) odgođena – serijala.com
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Terra Nova (ponovo) odgođena

Terra Nova (ponovo) odgođena

Trebala je krenuti u siječnju ove godine. Nije. Trebali smo gledati “pretpremijeru” dvosatnog pilota krajem svibnja. Nećemo. Jedna od dvije nove serije Stevena Spielberga, Terra Nova (druga je Fallen Skies), ipak će imati “normalnu” premijeru najesen.

Što je prilično neočekivano, jer Fox je posljednjih mjesec dana krenuo u nešto agresivniju promociju serije, uključujući i emitiranje najava tokom Super Bowla. Odluka je obrazložena željom da razvojnom timu da još vremena za njihov “revolucionarni rad na specijalnim efektima”, iliti drugim riječima: probili su rokove i neće na vrijeme dovršiti epizode.

Čini se suvišnim predstavljati seriju o kojoj smo već dosta pisali, no nije nam preteško ubaciti opis iz prethodnih članaka:

Spielbergov prahistorijski SF bavi se novim početkom ljudske civilizacije 85 milijuna godina u prošlosti. 2149. je godina, ljudska rasa je pred izumiranjem, a jedinu šansu vide u novom početku milijunima godina u prošlosti. No, krvoločni dinosauri neće biti jedini problem kolonistima, jer neki ovamo nisu došli sa ciljem spašavanja vrste… Novi 20-sekundni promo u nastavku, zajedno sa CGI dinosaurima.

Službeni press release je ispod, a uglavnom sadrži komentare ključnih ljudi koji se hvale kako se radi o ogromnom i skupom projektu, nakrcanom nikad viđenim efektima, što usput koriste kao opravdanje za novo kašnjenje.



The new epic family adventure series TERRA NOVA will now launch with its series premiere in fall 2011 on FOX, it was announced today by Kevin Reilly, President of Entertainment, Fox Broadcasting Company.

TERRA NOVA is one of the most ambitious television series ever produced,” said Reilly. “The cutting-edge visual effects used to create the world of TERRA NOVA, which is of massive scope and scale, require more time to be realized. This aspect of the series is essential, so we are pushing back the special early preview date to give the visual effects team the time needed for their ground-breaking work.”

“The world of TERRA NOVA is visually stunning on multiple levels, and effects play an enormous part,” said executive producer René Echevarria. “Premiering in the fall will give us the proper time to create a world never before seen on television.”

An epic family adventure 85 million years in the making, TERRA NOVA follows an ordinary family embarking on an incredible journey back in time to prehistoric Earth as a small part of a daring experiment to save the human race. In the year 2149 the world is dying. The planet is overdeveloped, overcrowded and overpolluted. With no known way to reverse the damage to the planet, scientists discover a portal to prehistoric Earth. This doorway leads to an amazing world, one that allows for a last-ditch effort to save the human race…a second chance to rebuild civilization and get it right this time.

The series centers on the Shannon family as they join the Tenth Pilgrimage of settlers to TERRA NOVA, the first colony established in this beautiful yet forbidding land led by its founder COMMANDER NATHANIEL TAYLOR (Stephen Lang, “Avatar”). JIM SHANNON (Jason O’Mara, “Life on Mars”), a devoted father with a checkered past, guides his family – wife ELISABETH (Shelley Conn, “Mistresses”); and children JOSH (Landon Liboiron, “Degrassi: The Next Generation”), MADDY (Naomi Scott, “Life Bites”) and ZOE (newcomer Alana Mansour) – through this new land of limitless beauty, mystery and terror. In addition to blue skies, towering waterfalls and lush vegetation, TERRA NOVA offers new opportunities and fresh beginnings to its recent arrivals, but the Shannons have brought with them a familial secret that may threaten their citizenship in this utopia. These adventurers soon discover that this healthy, vibrant world is not as idyllic as it initially appears. The areas surrounding TERRA NOVA are teeming with danger – and not just of the man-eating dinosaur variety. The Shannons will come to suspect that not everyone on this mission has the same idea of how to best save mankind; in fact, there may be forces intent on destroying this new world before it even begins.

TERRA NOVA is produced by 20th Century Fox Television, Chernin Entertainment, DreamWorks Television and Kapital Entertainment. Peter Chernin, Steven Spielberg, René Echevarria, Brannon Braga, Aaron Kaplan, Katherine Pope, Justin Falvey, Darryl Frank, Jon Cassar, Craig Silverstein and Kelly Marcel serve as executive producers. Alex Graves serves as executive producer and directed the series premiere.[/spoiler]

2 komentara
  • Pametno. Ne bi Terra Nova imala efekt koji je imao Glee. Čak mislim da bi im bilo pametnije ostavit seriju za siječanj 2012. da mogu emitirati cijelu prvu sezonu bez prekida, ala 24. Tako se neće nać u situaciji u kojoj se trenutno nalazi Event, a u kojoj je lane bio FlashForward.

  • e vidiš, ta ideja za siječanj uopće ne bi bila loša, da ne razbijaju nešto previše emitiranje epizoda, pogotovo ako će biti full serialized, ali ipak mi se čini da će fox sve svoje adute staviti za jesen


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