Prvi pogled: Syfyev Alphas –
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Prvi pogled: Syfyev Alphas

Prvi pogled: Syfyev Alphas

Syfy je objavio prvi kratki teaser za nadolazeći superherojski SF, Alphas. Kad kažemo ‘kratki’, zbilja mislimo kratki. Serija prati četvero “alpha”, običnih građana sa neobičnim moćima pod vodstvom doktora Leigha Rosena, koji im pomaže da nauče kontrolirati svoje sposobnosti. Zbog različitosti u njihovoj strukturi mozga, “alphe” imaju različite moći – nadljudsku snagu, nadljudski sluh i inteligenciju, sposobnost reprogramiranja tuđih misli te moć razbijanja stakla šaptom (?!). Dakle, Heroesi sa crncem umjesto Japanca. Nadajmo se da će više sličiti prvoj sezoni Heroesa, nego onom što je uslijedilo kasnije.

Syfy je, uz Alphas, predstavio novi program koji se sastoji od 14 novih programa. Jedini problem – to uključuje devet novih reality showova (!), spomenuti Alphas, već najavljeni BSG spin-off Blood and Chrome te još tri polusatne serije. Inače ne bi previše pozornosti pridavali novoj Syfyevoj seriji, obzirom da je čak i onaj “originalni” program jedva gledljiv, da showrunner nije Ira Steven Behr. Čovjek koji je u trećoj sezoni preporodio Star Trek: Deep Space Nine i manje-više sam osmislio čitavu kompleksnu priču u narednim sezonama. Kasnije je radio na The 4400 i kratkotrajnom remakeu Zone sumraka. Osim njega, izvršni producent serije te redatelj 90-minutnog pilota je Jack Bender, redatelj čak 42 epizode Losta.

Premijera se očekuje u srpnju. Kompletan službeni sinopsis u nastavku:

[spoiler]When a witness is inexplicably murdered in a locked room at a federal courthouse, Section 8 (under the auspices of the National Security Agency) is put on the case. Lead by Dr. Leigh Rosen, the team has but one mandate – locate and assess the threats posed by “alphas,” human beings with enhanced abilities due to differences in their brain structure. Joining Rosen in his quest are four such alphas – Gary Bell, a highly functioning autistic with an ability to process information that rivals most computers; Bill Harken, a former FBI agent who can amp up his “fight or flight” reflex, giving him extraordinary strength for a brief period of time; Nina Theroux, a beautiful woman who can reprogram other people’s minds to do as she bids; and Rachel Myers, an orthodox Jew who can shatter glass with but a whisper. However with said powers comes a price – for Gary, autism which makes him a child for all intents and purposes; for Harken, severe anger issues that cost him his job and family; for Rachel, living life as a near mute and being forced to wear an electronic device against her larynx; and Nina, never really knowing how those close to her actually feel. In any case, they’ve all come together for the common good with Rosen as their mentor, teaching them to further control their abilities with each passing day. As for the courthouse murder, it’s not long before the team uncovers that one of their own kind was responsible – Christian Hicks, a former Marine sharpshooter with supernatural balance and aim (he guided the bullet through a ventilation duct). After bringing him in though, they realize someone even more powerful was pulling the strings… someone with a new technology that can be used to mimic one of the team’s gifts.[/spoiler]
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