The Leftovers: Sedam novih trailera za posljednju sezonu

Nakon otapanja ledene kocke za Game of Thrones, HBO je još jedanput, kreativno ili iritantno, ovisno o tome koliko strpljenja imate, odlučio provozati gledatelje Leftoversa. Na sedam različitih profila na društvenim medijima dobili smo sedam trailera koje će netko, prije ili kasnije, sastaviti u cjelinu. Do tad, uživajte i sedam puta stisnite play.
This is Part 1 of #TheLeftovers #7PartTrailer. Find the rest throughout the internet before it’s too late. Maybe our showrunner has a clue.
— The Leftovers (@TheLeftoversHBO) March 16, 2017
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I can help you get through this. The one who lost it all can help you find what you need. #7PartTrailer #TheLeftovers
— Amy Brenneman (@AmyBrenneman) March 16, 2017
You're not going crazy. Just one more to go. #TheLeftovers #7PartTrailer @TheLeftoversHBO
— Carrie Coon (@carriecoon) March 16, 2017
I, evo ga u potpunosti.