Mad Men: Dogovorili se AMC i Weiner –
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Mad Men: Dogovorili se AMC i Weiner

Mad Men: Dogovorili se AMC i Weiner

Mad Men

AMC i showrunner Mad Mena, Matthew Weiner konačno su našli kompromis, te je službeno objavljeno da je serija obnovljena za petu i šestu sezonu. Weiner je potpisao trogodišnji ugovor, što vjerojatno znaći da će se i sedma sezona realizirati, ukoliko ne dođe do neočekivanog potonuća gledanosti.

U službenom press izvješću (ispod) se ne navode detalji, osim zadovoljnih citata obaju strana, gdje Weiner zahvaljuje AMC-u i Lionsgateu na podržavanju njegove umjetničke slobode, kao i glumaca te ostalog osoblja. Iz ovog se da iščitati, a Deadline iz svojih izvora to potvrđuje, da neće biti rezanja glumačkog ansambla, što je najbitnija stvar u čitavoj priči, nakon činjenice da Weiner ostaje uz seriju.

Weiner bi ovim ugovorom trebao dobiti između 25 i 30 milijuna dolara, a kompromis uključuje smanjenje trajanja epizoda, sa 47 na 45 minuta, dok će premijera i finale 13-epizodne pete sezone ipak trajati 47 minuta. Weiner će imati opciju produciranja dviju različitih verzija, 45-minutne za emitiranje na AMC-u, te 47-minutne za druge platforme (on demand, DVD itd.).

Ovaj je dogovor vrlo bitan za razvoj “Momaka s Madisona”, jer Weiner je bio kreator serije, njen showrunner te (su)autor scenarija gotovo svih epizoda. Bez njega, bila bi to sasvim druga serija.

Kao što smo pisali, Mad Men se vraća početkom 2012. u petoj sezoni. Nadopuna: Weiner kaže da će nova sezona krenuti u ožujku. To je praktički puna godina, ljudi. Kvragu!

[spoiler]New York – March 31, 2011 – AMC and Lionsgate today announced the return of the iconic series “Mad Men” for seasons five and six with series creator Matthew Weiner back on board as showrunner. Concurrently, it was announced that Weiner has signed a new long-term deal with Lionsgate, extending into a possible seventh season. The announcements were made by Charlie Collier, president of AMC, and Kevin Beggs, president of Lionsgate Television Group.

When AMC debuted “Mad Men” in July 2007 it quickly became one of the most talked about series on television. Set in 1960s New York, “Mad Men” is a sexy and provocative original drama that follows the lives of the ruthlessly competitive men and women of Madison Avenue advertising. Produced by Lionsgate, “Mad Men” has made television history as the only cable series to win the Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama and the Golden Globe for Best Television Series-Drama for three consecutive years.

“I want to thank all of our wonderful fans for their support.” said Weiner. “I also want to thank AMC and Lionsgate for agreeing to support the artistic freedom of myself, the cast and the crew so that we can continue to make the show exactly as we have from the beginning. I’m excited to get started on the next chapter of our story.”

“AMC’s original programming began with a mission to create bold storytelling of the highest quality, and ‘Mad Men’ was the perfect expression of that commitment. We’ve been proud to support this show from the day we read Matt’s ground-breaking pilot script and have loved building it with Matt and Lionsgate into the cultural phenomenon it has become,” said Collier. “For everyone involved in the show and its passionate fans, we are thrilled to announce that the series will continue on AMC under the exceptional vision of Matt Weiner.”

“We are proud to continue our successful relationships with AMC and the brilliantly talented Matt Weiner, whose vision has created one of the most distinguished series on television,” said Beggs. “We also appreciate the passion and patience of ‘Mad Men’ fans around the world who have been awaiting this good news, and we believe they will be rewarded with many more seasons of this extraordinary and groundbreaking series.”

Mad Men’s award-winning ensemble cast includes: Golden Globe-winner Jon Hamm, January Jones, Elisabeth Moss, Vincent Kartheiser, Christina Hendricks, John Slattery, Jared Harris, Rich Sommer, Aaron Staton, Robert Morse and Kiernan Shipka.[/spoiler]

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